
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy

reiki_kanjiThis energy flows through all living things and can be activated to support the body’s desire for healing and works on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual essence of each individual as needed.

It is completely safe and will complement and increase the effectiveness of most kinds of medication and treatment in a natural way. Traditionally, Reiki training consists of Three Degrees.

Reiki has a supportive energetic network of community which comes together to teach, share and encourage.
To read about Lily’s work with Reiki in underprivileged areas of Brasil, please click on the spinning globe below: 

Reiki Treatments

reiki_apptsLily is available for Reiki treatments in the Southend-on Sea area.
Lily is also available for Reiki treatments at a distance. Reiki Distance Healing involves sending Reiki healing to a person or situation at your request. Please get in touch to arrange your session.

Reiki I

The class consists of:

  • The history of Reiki
  • Principles
  • Rules of Reiki
  • 4 attunements
  • Hand positions for treating self and others
  • Practical uses of Reiki
  • Time for practice
  • Questions and sharing


Reiki II

The second degree class is offered to students who have taken the first degree class, have had some months of practice, and who feel drawn to take this next step. It is for those who wish to renew their friendship with Reiki, reach a deeper commitment and understanding of the power of Reiki in their lives, and work as full Reiki therapists.
The class consists of:

  • A session to introduce students to three symbols
  • Tuition of these symbols enabling the healer to incorporate them into physical treatments and absent healing. This involves learning methods of energising the symbols for sending distance healing and furthering the mental, spiritual and emotional healing processes.
  • One initiation
  • Time for practice
  • Questions and sharing


Reiki Development Workshops

Renew and confirm Reiki love in your life! An exciting opportunity to honour and deepen your initial commitment to Reiki and spend time with your Reiki Master and fellow graduates.
Be with us for all 3 sessions of each course to experience the full benefit of sharing and exploring the essence of the system known as Usui Shiki Ryoho.

The first course focuses on the system and its constituent parts:

Session 1: The 4 Aspects of Reiki
Session 2: The 9 Elements of Form
Session 3: The 5 Principles of Reiki

The second course will explore the various aspects of furthering your Reiki practice.

Session 4: Reiki on self, family and friends
Session 5: Reiki as a public practice (designed primarily for students of Reiki II)
Session 6: Using Reiki with different disciplines

You are more than welcome to attend individual sessions if you cannot make a whole course. Discounted full course price is only available if booked and paid for in advance.
These courses are currently only offered to Lily’s students although if you are interested in attending and have not studied with Lily, please contact her as we may be able to accommodate you.